Monday 1 November 2010

Droidcon Day 2: Mobile trends that might surprise you

Day 2 at Droidcon was a more traditional conference, with presentations and guest speakers.

Mobile trends that might surprise you
Comscore's Jeremy Copp delivered some very interesting mobile trends that reminded me that I'm not the typical digital consumer.
  • Only 25% of mobile owners in Europe browse the web
  • Only 25% of mobile owners in Europe use apps
  • But there were 15.3m extra mobile media consumers in 2010
The growth in mobile media consumption is being driven by social networking, with more people now accessing Facebook on mobile devices than via PCs.

Google is powerful on mobile, but not as powerful as on PC.
  • 41% of mobile owners use their device for web searches
  • 90% of PC owners use their device for web searches
Android is growing rapidly.
  • The Android OS experienced 1329% growth YoY
Some things you might not realise about mobile.
  • UK mobile users access Facebook for over 2,600,000,000 minutes per month
  • 75% of mobile users in Europe don't use apps. That's a lot of room for growth in apps.
  • UK mobile audiences consume 10bn page views per month on mobile browsers
  • Only 38% of Symbian users use apps, compared to 90% on Apple and Android. Tells you a lot about the apps available to Nokia owners.
  • About 11m European users access dating sites a month on their mobiles. Weird!

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